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Sabrina Rasna


Sabrina is a fourth year Biotechnology student at Queen's University. Sabrina is interested in the discrimination faced by women living with venereal diseases, such as HIV, because in the developing world women are already subjected to various gender-based inequalities (i.e. decision making, access to education) and these are enhanced by the pre-existing stigma around contracting HIV. this has prevented women from seeking necessary health services, highlighting the need to normalize discussion. A fun fact about Sabrina is that she has watched the movie Coraline almost 30 times.

Wendy Wu


Wendy is a fourth year Biomathematics student at Queen's University. Wendy is interested in the cultural influence surrounding women's health. Growing up, she had a hard time understanding why certain topics,  such as contraceptives and STIs, were so taboo to her family members. As she grew older, she began to understand that they grew up in an environment where discussing these topics would be considered embarrassing or even shameful. Wendy is passionate about breaking these deeply ingrained stereotypes and hopes to provide people with proper educational resources to better their own health in whatever shape or form that may be! 
A fun fact about Wendy is that she has climbed a volcano in Iceland!


Ashley Sue-Chuck

Marketing Director

Ashley is a fourth year Geological Sciences student at Queen's University. Ashley is most interested in spreading awareness and breaking the stigma surrounding women's reproductive health because personally in her past schooling, Ashley has noticed a paucity in education regarding it, which lead to lots of stigmatization. Ashley hopes that by providing better education on this topic, it will help lead to more conversations about it and reduce the amount of discomfort and misinformation surrounding it. A fun fact about Ashley is that in grade 7 she was one of the two people chosen from her school to go to an archeology camp where she learned about archeological intricacies, participated in excavation, and interpreted the history of the area from the fossils and artifacts we found.

Rashi Ramchandani


Rashi is a third year Bachelor of Health Sciences student at Queen's University. Rashi is passionate about investigating the social factors impacting female health and working to mitigate these avoidable differences. Rashi hopes that by empowering and educating young women we can facilitate greater dialogue and destigmatize topics surrounding female health. A fun fact about Rashi is that she has been hiking in the Himalayas!


Victoria Yu

Outreach Director

Victoria is a fourth year Con-Ed Biopsychology student at Queen's University. A health issue Victoria is interested in is the differential treatment by gender in healthcare. She thinks this is a topic that needs to be addressed because when healthcare professionals dismiss health concerns brought about by women and non-binary folks, it can result in insufficient/inadequate care and medical mistreatment. A fun fact about Victoria is that she is terrible with names - she could watch a movie to its entirety and still not know the names of all the characters.

Mackenzie Davidson

Logistics Director

Mackenzie is a fifth year Life Sciences student at Queen's University. Mackenzie is dedicated to helping decrease the stigma surrounding postpartum mental health conditions. Considerations surrounding the mental health of the mother postpartum are often lost in a hurricane of diapers, sleepless nights, and crying (from, in some cases, all parties involved). However, Mackenzie believes the right interventions early on can make a world of difference! A fun fact about Mackenzie is that she has the cutest cat in the world - he's a Ragdoll and his name is Sneakers!

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